CX academy`s Assessment Center
(in a physical place) The Participants in a physical assessment center undergo several activities such as role-playing, group discussions, behavioural interviews, and business case presentations. Meanwhile, experienced assessors observe and evaluate the participants based on their demonstrative behaviour.
The Online assessment development center is the online version of a traditional assessment center. It allows a holistic candidate evaluation without compromising the quality and standard set by physical assessment centers. It accommodate a range of traditional tools used in assessment centers in a simulated virtual environment.
A blended assessment center method is an innovative hybrid approach that combines the best features of traditional and virtual assessment centers. It elevates the design of a traditional assessment center by combining conventional offline activities with online assessment center exercises. Resultantly, there is room for a comprehensive blended approach that supports multiple styles of learning and learners.
Training needs analysis Like a Boss.
The assessment center determines the current level of competence of the company’s employees and compares this with the standard of competence`s level required (for each position within the organization). The difference between the current level of competencies and that desired is helping in determining training needs. Rather than assuming that all employees require a specific training programme.

Its Important
Why do you need an assessment center?
The Assessment and Development Center is used in many initiatives such as training needs analysis, identifying high-potenial employees, developing leadership and succession planning. It also helps identify career strengths and challenges.

All the features
You'll ever need.

How do you identify Hi-Po high potential employees?
High potential employees are 91% more valuable to a business than non-high potential employees. Assessment centers helps companies identify and develop high-potential employees who can take on additional responsibilities and drive growth.

succession planning
Succession planning is the strategic process of identifying the next generation of leaders who can ensure business continuity when key leaders move on to new opportunities, retire or leave the company. It is a way to preserve the future of the company – where leaders can recognize the gaps between their mindsets or skills and what is required to lead effectively.

Developing Leaders
Just as pilots train in a flight simulator and surgeons test and practice in virtual reality, leaders can try out and experience what it’s like to be a leader in a virtual setting before they do so in real life. It’s called an assessment center.
The data from a leadership assessment center is behavior-based, objective and measurable, and highly predictive of future success. In this Assessment center, you can learn everything you need to know about assessment centers from our experience as the pioneers and innovators.
Over 100,000 Happy Customers
The Assessment and Development Center can also be used to develop leaders, create training plan, and countless other benefits

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